Treat those thrift right!

by - 3:34 PM

Heads up, it’s almost hell week and I’m still ain’t ready for it coming. So from my previous blog I’ve written about where I usually go thrifting, if you haven’t read about it go and check it out! (A dollar in my pocket). Anyway, I’m going to share with you on how I slay these thrifted OOTDs I got from thrift shops. Never be afraid on expressing yourselves from the outfits you wear and be sure wearing those makes out a good expression and personality from the people around you. I admit that sometimes I don’t usually wear clothes that don’t describe me as a person or it makes me a different one.

 Here are some tips on how you could wear those thrifts/pre-loved apparels you bought on thrift shops.
1.)    Set a goal! When you go thrifting don’t forget the things that you only need to buy (crowded place). Planning beforehand is a good way to achieve a certain goal.
2.)    Be sure to buy the things that you could wear on a certain occasions and don’t buy stuff if you think that you couldn’t wear it.

3.)    Pairing up with Le weather. Sometimes we can’t tell whether the weather would be fine or not, simple outfits like statement tees, plain shirts or your casual look could slay your day. DO NOT WEAR ENORMOUS JACKETS OR SWEATERS IN A HOT DAY (of course!), maybe you could wear a thin one just to protect your skin form the UV rays of the sun. Pair a good style in a moody weather.

4.)    Self-confidence, haters gonna hate ha-ha. Yes, we can’t remove them from the society but self-reputation and dignity is important.

5.)    Trying new things. Don’t hesitate to try new things, there’s no harm in trying. Searching good styles on the internet like Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest and some other sites that could help you have an idea on what to wear that best suits you.

“Why should we worry about what others think of us, do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do our own?” -Brigham Young

Good luck and think positive!  💕 

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